Collection (only in portuguese)
Explore the Money Museum collections, where you can find thousands of coins, banknotes and other objects related to the history of money and Banco de Portugal.
Quarto de portugalöser
Country/Region: Alemanha | Dating: 1675-1692
Quarto de portugalöser
Quarto de síliqua
Country/Region: Itália | Dating: 518-526 | Ruler: Teodorico
Quarto de síliqua
Quarto de síliqua
Country/Region: Panónia | Dating: c. 493 ? c. 567
Quarto de síliqua
Quarto de síliqua
Country/Region: Itália | Dating: 534-536 | Ruler: Teodato
Quarto de síliqua
Queen Catherine
Country/Region: Inglaterra | Dating: c. 1680-1700
Queen Catherine
Queen Phillippa
Country/Region: Portugal ? | Dating: c. 1843-1970
Queen Phillippa
Country/Region: Apúlia (Sul de Itália) | Dating: c. 217-211 a.C.
Quinto de coroa
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1870 | Ruler: D. Luís I
Quinto de coroa
Country/Region: Península Ibérica | Dating: c. 1144 | Ruler: Ahmad ibn Qasi