Collection (only in portuguese)
Explore the Money Museum collections, where you can find thousands of coins, banknotes and other objects related to the history of money and Banco de Portugal.
3 réis
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1683 | Ruler: D. Pedro, Príncipe Regente
3 réis
3 somonis
Country/Region: Tajiquistão | Dating: 2010
3 somonis
3 tiên
Country/Region: Vietname | Dating: Agosto/Setembro de 1822 ? 1841 | Ruler: Minh Mang
3 tiên
3 vinténs
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1816-1826 | Ruler: D. João VI
3 vinténs
3 vinténs
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1828-1834 | Ruler: D. Miguel I
3 vinténs
3 vinténs
Country/Region: Portugal | Dating: 1816-1826 | Ruler: D. João VI
3 vinténs
30 tari
Country/Region: Malta | Dating: 1768 | Ruler: Manuel Pinto da Fonseca
30 tari
300 réis
Country/Region: Açores | Dating: 1795 | Ruler: D. Maria I
300 réis
320 réis
Country/Region: Brasil | Dating: 1696 | Ruler: D. Pedro II